The first thing we should cover is how to create a QR code. The easiest, best, and FREE QR code creator is at the ZXing Project. This page allows you to add some extra information and to perform differnt actions. For instance, one QR code may be on your printed material to take people to a specific page on your website that contains a call to action. These are called “landing pages”. Another QR code could be on the back of your business card. This allows people to enter your contact information just by scanning the code. Yet another may be used on a real estate flyer box. You know the always empty flyer boxes!! Well now it doesn’t matter. Your prospective customer can just scan the QR code and be taken directly to the listing on your website where they can view the virtual tour right on their phone. This should eliminate some nuissance showings… LOL!
Looking at the ZXing Project site, there are many options under the contents drop down box. I recommend using the contact information selection. You can enter all your contact information, plus a web address, and a memo. You can create a new QR code for each property, or item you wish to highlight. Just change the URL to direct the customer to the correct page on your website to learn more about the property or item for sale. Make sure you have a good URL to direct them to. If you don’t understand a good URL leave me a comment and I will write about that too! As for the memo section of your QR code, Make sure you have a call to action. Something like “Click here to learn more about xxxx and get your 10% off coupon!” Something enticing so that people will come see you.
Once you hit the generate button, you will see the code pop up. Underneath it you will see a link to download, and a small piece of code for embedding this on a website. Use what you need and start using them today!!
Here is what I created: Scan it to see where it takes you! :)
The ZXing project is cool - but I think the one here one up's it.
Either way they're both free so i'm no complaining!