Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What is holding you back?

I often look at my agents and wonder what really is holding them back. They have so much potential and business sitting in their database that just needs to be prospected. However, most of them do not do anything extra to convert leads to sales. If it wasn't for our software, they would most likely be struggling more than they already do.

Tonight I was looking at the leads in my system. I do this often, but right now my goal is not as much of what they are or are not working, but what is really holding them back. I've been talking about mindset alot lately. Mainly because I've had to adjust my mindset recently to get to a new place in my mind. Yes, even I can get down and negative sometimes. Luckily I understand the power of positive thinking and how that affects my daily life. I was able to change my mindset pretty quickly.

So what stops most people from succeeding? To me, the biggest part of this is the lack of confidence in themselves. Others don't feel they deserve to be successful as they never have been and think that is for others. Others are so afraid of failure that they figure if they don't try, they can't fail. Of course those of us who know, know that not trying is failure!

There is only one thing holding you back right now. Just look in the mirror and you will see that person. You have so much power in that brain of yours, that if you can unleash just a little bit of it, your business will rise dramatically. Become more positive and believe in yourself and your life changes...just like that! I like to say to people, "get yourself out of the way". Sometimes you are your own worst enemy.

So here is the answer: Set a Goal, Honestly Believe You can Accomplish This Goal, Work 80% of your time at revenue generating tasks and work Full Time! If you follow these steps your life changes. Does it take hard work to reach your goals? Of course it does! Go for it!

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